Monday, 4 June 2018

Leaving Britain For Sunnier Pastures

Many families in Britain choose to move abroad when they retire. While the English countryside can be some of the best in the world, the same cannot really be said of our climate. Whether you are a believer in what used to be called global warming, but is now called “climate change” (largely because scientists don’t seem able to prove it is getting warmer) there is no doubt that the winters of the past few years have been dreadful. Global cooling would appear to be a more appropriate term!

So it is hardly surprising that many people now seek to move abroad. Many will go to Spain and Portugal, but some families wish to go a lot further such as to the Caribbean, the US, or even Australia and New Zealand. When you are moving overseas on this kind of journey you really need the services of one of the international shipping companies which specialises in this sort of move. 

When moving this far, your home and belongings will be packed into a container. If you have a lot of things to take, you may need a full container, but if not you can save money by using a part container. There are certain things that you are not allowed to take abroad, such as plants for instance. You may want to take your own car, and there are special conditions which have to be met. However, an international moving company will know all the “ins and outs” and be able to advise you.

Moving Abroad To Continental Countries

It’s a fact that upon retirement many British people choose to move to sunnier climes. The weather in Lancashire in recent winters has been such that the thought of living somewhere where the temperatures are higher and the sun shines all day can be very tempting.

Many people choose to go to Europe because they have been there often for holidays and they get to know some of the towns and villages very well. Favourite destinations are France, Spain, and Portugal. If you live in Lancashire, there are house movers Preston who run regular services to a number of continental countries, France, Portugal, and Spain being frequent choices.

Removals to Portugal are popular, with the Algarve being a regular destination for many people. The area has expanded considerably over the last 30 years with what were once little fishing villages now becoming small towns, so popular has the area become. This has also resulted in the development of some very fine golf courses to service the needs of retirees.

Of course, you might want to Google “removal Spain” if that is where you are going, and doing so will give you a number of different options for removal specialists to that country.

Some people will retire to the parts of France that they have got to know well over the years. If you are downsizing you may not need a complete removal lorry, so if you Google “removals to France part loads” you will probably be able to find a company that can do that, thus keeping your removal costs down.